BACAA/Steve Forster Portrait Painting - 2025
Color Planes of the Head
Dates: September 25-28, 2025 (4)
Time: 11:00 am- 5:00 p.m.
Lunch: 1:30- 2:15 p.m.
Class Description:
This is a four-day workshop where we will explore the planar relationships of the head, using color from different light sources to communicate the three-dimensional qualities of the head in a unique way. By using light sources of different colors, we will be able to more effectively communicate and differentiate the front planes from side planes, down planes from up planes. The first day we'll do small studies in which we will sketch in the model's head in oil paint using Asaro's planes of the head as a guide, which will be lit in the exact same way as our model. The following three days we will work up a larger size portrait, using the experience of the small study as a launching off point.
This is a great workshop for anyone who has wondered about painting planes, as the extreme color and lighting situation will enable us to see planes clearly. Even if a highly saturated, colorful painting is not your goal this extreme lighting situation helps to ignore the details of the model's face in order to see broader color relationships and keep our block-ins simpler.
Daily Schedule:
Day 1-Color Study - Color Planes of the Head, Thinking Small, Studying the head without features, How Colored light illuminates planes.
Day 2-- Color Block-In - Getting started with a larger piece, painting, blocking in the color plains, using the compressed, rainbow, a discussion on the compressed rainbow and how it relates to a flesh palette matrix.
Day 3- Structural Drawing - The architectural structure of the face. Re- drawing on top of the planes, the balance between structure and simplified masses.
Day 4- Key Concepts - A discussion of Chroma, The Color of Light and Atmosphere, Aesthetic qualities of Directional Colored Light
All tuition fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable
Registration form/Terms and conditions must be completed and agreed to, or signed prior and emailed prior to attendance
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Partial Payments are not accepted.
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All tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable.
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969 G Edgewater Blvd
Foster City, CA 94404|
345 Quarry Rd
San Carlos, CA 94070